We are a passionate team of volunteers and dedicated staff committed to transforming the lives of individuals with physical disabilities. Through unwavering support and collaborative efforts, we strive to empower and enable these individuals to realize their dreams. Together, we work towards breaking barriers and fostering a more inclusive and fulfilling future for those facing physical challenges.
Who We Are
We are a passionate team of volunteers and dedicated staff committed to transforming the lives of individuals with physical disabilities. Through unwavering support and collaborative efforts, we strive to empower and enable these individuals to realize their dreams. Together, we work towards breaking barriers and fostering a more inclusive and fulfilling future for those facing physical challenges.
Seriously Disabled Israelis
People per Year Under Age 60 Who Suffer Stroke
Car Accidents per Year Resulting in Serious Injury
Social interaction is of paramount importance as it plays a crucial role in fostering emotional well-being, mental health, and overall quality of life.